Robin Kenter


Research group affiliation: Section for research-driven innovation, Research center for digital mental helth services. Work package leader WP4 Implementation.

Robin Kenter’s research focuses on the development, clinical evaluation and implementation of digital health services. She holds a master’s degree(cum laude) and doctorate in clinical psychology from the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam, and has experience as both a researcher and psychologist. In the Forhelse SFI, she is leading a work package investigating the implementation of digital health services in different settings in Norway. In addition, Kenter is a researcher in the EU-funded PIECES project, investigating the implementation of primary cancer prevention programs in Europe.

Area of work and expertise: Digital health services and interventions, clinical effectiveness studies, implementation research, psychology and improving access to healthcare.

Project affiliation: Forhelse SFI, PIECES-EU

Robin Maria Francisca Kenter – Cristin

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