
Brainstorming with UngMeistring

On 21 and 22 of November, the stage was set for UngMeiring’s second joint gathering for this year. Research, health service and business partners gathered at Solstrand to share experiences and work towards a common focus on progress in the various work packages. User involvement, clinic experience and technology were therefore important topics throughout the seminar.

On day one, work package leaders and doctoral research fellows presented the topics in the respective work packages, which are ADHD, anxiety, depression and eating disorders. Here, an overall look at the work that has been done so far was given, as well as the presentation of the Logic Model, part of the approach that will be used throughout the project. This laid a good foundation for discussion and brainstorming across disciplines.

Day two, it was our business partners, Youwell and Skillup, their turn. They presented their platforms and what they wanted to contribute to the project. Plenty of time was also given for concrete work in the work packages, where focus and progress plans were mapped with an interdisciplinary perspective.

Testing VR
Eirik Steinsland from SkillUp demonstrates how medical training can be done with VR_teknologi.