Digitalization in health
Digitalization in health is an online further education at master’s level for those who will implement, organize or lead the use of technology in the health service. The study consists of four minor subjects, starting in autumn 2024.
Technology gives us opportunities to solve tasks and work processes in new ways and can contribute to better organization and new forms of interaction. But in order for technology to be an effective tool that promotes quality and contributes to the development of sustainable health services, solid knowledge and expertise is needed about the opportunities and challenges technology gives us.
Digitalization in health is aimed at those who will implement, organize or manage the use of technology in either municipal health services, specialist health services or in private health services.
The study is mainly online and arranged as a part-time study with four minor subjects taken in sequence. The study has been developed by the University of Bergen in close collaboration with representatives of both health organizations and the municipal health service.
Academic supervisor: Professor Tine Nordgreen at Forhelse, Helse Bergen / University of Bergen.
Digitalization in health is funded by Kompetanse Norge and is led by the Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care at the University of Bergen.