Smiti Kahlon
Smiti Kahlon is a psychologist with a specialization in social and general psychology and has a PhD in clinical psychology. She has previously worked at the general psychiatric polyclinic and the digital clinic eBehandling at Bjørgvin DPS. Kahlon has extensive experience with online treatment, both as a psychologist and researcher. As part of her PhD, she assisted in the development of a mobile app and a VR application aimed at young people with presentation anxiety. Both applications are now freely available on and Meta Quest.
Kahlon will conduct research on clinical effects as part of Work Package 1: Digital psychological treatment for adolescents with anxiety symptoms. The sub-project is a collaboration between ForHelse and Bergen Municipality. Kahlon will evaluate the feasibility and usefulness of a new mobile app aimed at adolescents with anxiety symptoms. Furthermore, she will investigate the effectiveness of the mobile app compared to ordinary follow-up in the Child and Family Help Service in Bergen Municipality through a randomized controlled trial. If the studies will show good results, the app will be implemented in Barne-og Familiehjelpen.
Area of work and expertise: Virtual Reality exposure therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, anxiety management, digital health services and intervention development
Project affiliation: Forhelse SFI
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